Direct Sales and MLM

MonaVie threatens Ted Nuyten


< src="" alt="" width="293" height="300" class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-107" />Ted Nuyten regularly publishes articles about the MLM industry at He recently published an article about MonaVie's purported 20% decline in revenue. MonaVie responded by threatening Ted Nuyten with legal action. Ted Nuyten wrote a response (it's well worth the read). This is really bizarre. MonaVie is quickly becoming the company that it once condemned. We all know Ted! Ted is a prolific contributor to the direct sales space. I've known him for two years and I still have no idea if he's a distributor in a particular the allegation that he's trying to harm MonaVie for personal gain is confusing. Instead of recognizing Ted as one of many industry commentators and privately reaching out in a respectful manner, MonaVie chose to lead with a hand gun. In my opinion, all they had to do was call up Ted and say, "Come on, man. This is crazy...and here's why." They're leading with law, not grace, which is inconsistent with their character.In Ted's post, he links to the source of the stats about MonaVie's revenue decline. Here it is. As Troy Dooly pointed out in the comment section of Ted's response, the source of the info is not a MLM friendly source. Nonetheless, Ted made a Disclaimer Sandwich by starting the article with a disclaimer and ending it with a disclaimer. When was the last time you've read an article with TWO disclaimers;)? Maybe the information is inaccurate, maybe it's not. But to lead with the litigation hammer and levy such strong allegations is really sad. In my dealings with Ted, he's a nice guy. As far as anyone can tell, he's not out to harm MonaVie no more than Rod Cook is out to harm MonaVie by talking about their 60% reduction in web traffic over the past year (Note: MonaVie has since lost another 20,000 visitors per month since Rod's report). It's simple: MonaVie is a large company and the rumblings about a decline is newsworthy. People are standing by to see how they respond. What new products will they offer? How will they tweak their pay plan? Companies with binary pay plans are especially paying close attention.In my opinion, it would simply be a lot more productive for MonaVie to address their problems instead of dealing with the symptoms. What do you think? Did MonaVie overreact and draw more attention to their issues or should they turn the dogs loose on Ted?.

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