Direct Sales and MLM

Thoughts A Brewin' Newsletter 12: It's All About The Brand

Clay Brewer
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“I learned early that being a perfectionist and providing quality was the only way to do business.”

 - Estée Lauder in “A Success Story"

Mrs. Lauder would be quite disappointed with what she sees today.  

A brand is much more than a logo. A brand adopts the very identity of its creator, down to the most minute of idiosyncrasies. This isrequired for survival.

Network marketing demonstrates this distinction more than any other industry.

It’s a relationship industry above all else.

But what if those idiosyncrasies are replaced with quarterly projections and dollar signs?  

That brand will inevitably decline. I promise.

At some point, you’ll find yourself “changing with the times” or “reading where the industry is going.” In reality, you have recognized in your heart of hearts that you’re simply managing the decline. Without a visionary there is no vision. Without a vision, there will no longer be a brand.  

A strong brand is what keeps customers coming back. A strong brand is what makes individuals excited to tell others.

Whether it’s your commitment to clean–and I mean actually clean–products or a culture founded on trust and transparency, a strong brand seldom falls.

Take Apple or LVMH, as two of the most prominent examples. They both have cult-like followings, and, contrary to popular belief, a cult-like following is good for business.

Of course they have their detractors, but they could raise prices to astronomical heights–they aren’t far off already–and people would still flock.

It’s because they’ve created a brand, and products that people crave.

They’ve created an image that outlasts any one individual. I guarantee you they could make more money in the short term if they tried.

But instead, they chose the brand. They chose their people.

Luxury, beauty, health. These are the three pillars that are guaranteed to never change.

These three pillars foster an emotional connection in any customer, in any salesforce.

These three pillars truly transcend the simple buying and selling of a product.

Take care of your brand and it will take care of you.

Lose your brand and watch the walls collapse in.

Clay Brewer
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