Direct Sales and MLM

I stole from


< src="" alt="" width="465" height="562" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-45" />Well maybe "stole" is a strong word. I mainly copied a layout that I thought was pretty darn good. Ryan Roberts, sole practitioner and creator of The Startup Laywer is a slick marketer. We both have similar styles in that we're very transparent about issues, we communicate across multiple platforms (facebook, youtube, etc), we create a lot of content, we're upsetting the competition and we're young(ish).It's easy to setup a blog that makes it simple to publish content and accrue subscribers. It's also easy to create a website that explains your product or services. It's extremely difficult to have a seamless solution that covers both aspects well. Over at The Advocate Group site, it was a great representation of the services I offered but the blog functionality was terrible. Over at Next Generation Law, the blog functionality was great but I lacked the ability to really promote my services in a marketable way.And then I saw what Ryan was doing... He framed a separate website for his law practice on his page. The content there is static and it's positioned in a way that's concise and attractive. As for building a community of subscribers, he does that at It's keyword rich, easy to subscribe and easy to interact with readers.I had the same goals for this site. I wanted to make it easy to produce content while at the same time deliver a message about my practice that's marketable.So what do you think? Do you have any suggestions?

This is some text inside of a div block.

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