
< src="" alt="" width="480" height="360" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-61" />On this blog, I'm going to talk about the "MLM Industry Players." These are the people that I consider "gurus" in the space that are truly interested in advancing this industry in a positive direction. It was only logical to begin the series with Troy Dooly.Troy Dooly is one of the hardest working commentators in the industry. He cranks out fantastic content day after day after day whether he's doing interviews with Jim Gillhouse at Aces Radio Live, doing his early morning reflections on Ustream or talking shop over at the MLM Help Desk. If they gave out "belts" based on a person's use of social media, Troy Dooly would have a black belt. Over at the MLM Help Desk, he talks about all sorts of important issues facing the industry ranging from the latest scam alerts to updates about the successful companies.There are three things that I appreciate most about Troy Dooly. First, he's truly a servant leader. With each of his posts, it's obvious that he deeply cares for each individual distributor and he's willing to work his guts out to provide good information. He gives us so much of his time without any expectation of return. As a servant leader, his loyalty is unquestionable as he'll do anything for any one of his friends, no questions asked.Second, he knows how to throw a punch and he knows how to take one. As a fellow advocate, I respect him for that. Since he occasionally challenges folks for their questionable antics, he gets random threats from the recipients. But so far, no one has been able to indicate a single time where Troy has acted inappropriately or maliciously. An example of this was when Global Verge threatened him with legal action because of Troy's blog post on their business. Out of principle, Troy refused to budge and handled himself very professionally. It was my first glimpse at his intestinal fortitude.Third, I appreciate Troy for his transparency. There's never an ulterior motive with Troy. If he has an issue with someone, he'll get the facts and invite them to a conversation. It's easy to be friends with someone when you know they'll grab the phone if there's a problem instead of sowing seeds of discord. When he gets challenged for a "bad report," he'll give the other side an opportunity to communicate their side of the story on his blog and publicly address the issues. He did this with an executive from DuBli after a report on the company.He's a family man, a professional, a leader in his church and a good friend. His influence over the industry has been a good one and it'll only grow with time. I'm proud to have him as a friend. See below for a summary of his services for network marketing companies. Stay tuned for other updates about industry players.Troy Dooly's Marketing Services

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