Direct Sales and MLM

Legacy of a Leading Lady - Carole Moore


< src="" alt="" width="300" height="225" class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-105" />I really enjoy what I do for a living. I get to meet with people like YOU everyday. You're smart, aggressive, tech savvy, driven and entrepreneurial. I'm humbled that you choose to spend some of your time with me here. Today, I have the privilege of sharing a message from one of my favorite clients, Jim Moore. Jim Moore is the founder of The Tools Network. Jim has a proven track record as a distributor because he's built HUGE organizations for multiple companies. He knows what he's doing. When he contacted me last year, it was obvious he really cared for the brand new participants in his business. He truly wanted to provide a fair and level playing field that's rewarding for everyone and he spent tremendous time to create a unique pay plan to achieve that end. He's a great client and a great friend.In February, Jim's wife, Carole, succumbed to cancer after a long and arduous battle. She was simply the best and she was loved very much by her husband and kids. In honor of Carole, Jim forged ahead with his business because he made a commitment to finish what they started together. He knew Carole would never permit him to walk away from a project when there was so much potential for good. Recently, Jim sent the following message to people and I found it very inspiring. Please take a moment to read and reflect on the message below. "Live as if you are inevitable!" What powerful and inspiring words. If you're willing to pay the price, success is inevitable, is it not?[message begins]Aug 5th will be 6 months.. . . I have been scanning pictures to make a slide show. Boy what a life we have had 34 years together living, loving, working, side by side every day. The World of Network Marketing has given us this freedom and income to do most everything we ever wanted: To live our lives in a style most people could only imagine or understand not having a job. . . This life is so very short so with that: When in doubt, show up early. Think less. Feel more. Ask Once. Give thanks often. Expect the best. Appreciate everything. Never give up. Make it fun. It’s ok to Regroup or Yield. Smile lots. Always order dessert. And live as if you are inevitable. REMEMBER thoughts become things. Pick the best ones! Your Friend ~ Jim MooreRemember, Carole. She was an awesome lady. Passed Feb 5th 2010.[end message]

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