Direct Sales and MLM

Agel's CEO gets fired, gets sued...gets re-hired?


< src="" alt="" width="300" height="124" class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-161" />As reported earlier, Agel recently fired and sued its CEO, Glen Jensen. Today, Ted Nuyten, author of Business for Home blog, reported that "Glen Jensen is back" and referenced Glen's facebook status update. The screenshot of his update is provided on the left. He said, "I am Agel - Always!!!" Based on the comments from people, the consensus seems to think that he's back with Agel. Personally, absent a clear statement from Agel or Jensen that the lawsuit has been resolved, I would hesitate to conclude that he's back on Agel's payroll. With so much controversy between Agel and Jensen, Jensen's first response after the lawsuit is a little vague, to say the least. After all, Agel explicitly accused Jensen of lying to the company, conspiring against the company, abusing his authority as CEO and misusing company funds. Those are some serious allegations that required lot of thought and planning before inserting into a lawsuit. With litigation, once the bullet is out of the chamber, it's impossible to put back in. Stay tuned on this one. Jensen was fired in November, sued in December and if people are right, he's being re-hired in January.

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