Direct Sales and MLM

Thanks to the MLM community


I wanted to thank you, the readers, for your encouragement and support over the past few years. As I reflect over the early days when I started my practice, I recall the stress, anxiety and uncertainty. It's a similar position to what you've encountered, I'm sure. I remember my first question about google: "How does it work!?" I remember the first phone call. I remember the first check. I remember the first name I chose for my practice (which stunk). They were difficult days and at the same time, exhilarating. Through a series of goals and immersing myself in a constant feedback loop, I got better.As I fly back from a mission trip in Brazil, I'm overwhelmed with gratitude at the many blessings in my life. In the span of a few years, after taking a leap of faith, everything changed. As I reflect, I can think of 10 reasons to be grateful:

  • I'm privileged to work with fiercely competitive entrepreneurs.
  • I'm privileged to serve entrepreneurs committed to changing the world.
  • I'm privileged to have made so many great friends in the network marketing arena.
  • I'm privileged to have a lifestyle that grants me time with friends and family.
  • I'm privileged to be able to travel to so many amazing places.
  • I'm privileged to have so many interesting conversations about new and exciting business models.
  • I'm privileged to serve dozens of hard working distributors.
  • I'm privileged to learn about new and emerging trends in communication and marketing.
  • I'm privileged to learn so many unique and innovate solutions to interesting problems.
  • I'm privileged to operate in a space that desperately needs strong leadership to thrive in the new economy.
  • I'm privileged to do what I love.


So thanks again. You're awesome. And if I can encourage you to do one thing, be courageous. Give an honest assessment of your life and if you're not where you want to be, change. We were all born to be brave. I'm stealing a phrase from my brother-in-law, Bob Dickie. On his website, he talks about the importance of taking "The Leap." The Leap represents a monumental shift in your life that at first seems terrifying, yet eventually proves invaluable. Take the leap!< class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-177" alt="" src=" _4226-1024x682.jpg" width="600" height="450" />< class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-176" alt="" src="" width="600" height="450" />

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