Direct Sales and MLM

DSEF and Earnings Claims


The Direct Selling Education Foundation, created by the DSA, was established to help spread positive information about the many benefits of the direct selling industry. They prepared a very clever video below that illustrates the struggle a distributor goes through when presenting the financial opportunity to prospects. Should you call your time share a "summer home?" Should you refer to your 18 foot fishing boat a "yacht?" Should you talk about the opportunity to earn millions upon millions of dollars? In basic terms, it's mandated by the Federal Trade Commission for marketers to provide income disclosures whenever above average income is presented. It's perfectly normal for distributors to discuss the income opportunity, especially when the prospect is presented with enough data to make an informed decision. However, it's highly unethical and arguably illegal when a distributor grossly exaggerates their personal results in the enterprise.Do you have any suggestions to help curb aggressive income claims?

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