Direct Sales and MLM

Google Plus, ViSalus Growth and Direct Selling Edge


In the video, I talk about three exciting things: Google Plus, ViSalus's stellar growth and the Direct Selling Edge conference.

Google Plus

It's an amazing platform, period. If you're not on it, I strongly encourage you to create a profile and get started. If you're on it, scroll over to the top right corner and add the MLM Attorney + Page to one of your circles. The main reasons why I think it's amazing: first, it's driven more by "what you're into," not "who you know." There's a strong difference and if you don't understand it, you will once you play around on the platform. It's so easy to connect with people that share your interests, so no more awkward friend requests. Second, it's already influencing search results, which is important for anyone with a website.

ViSalus kills it.

I recently wrote about this. ViSalus's success benefits the entire industry for four reasons.

Direct Selling Edge conference.

We're bringing it back! The first event was spectacular and we're making this one even better. Jay Leisner and I are hosting the MLM Startup conference event in Las Vegas on March 8 and 9. Click here for tentative details.

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