Direct Sales and MLM

Recover Losses From Zeek: Submit your claim form


< class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-308" alt="keep-calm-and-please-hurry-up" src="" width="200" height="300" />This is likely going to be our last post / email blast regarding Zeek Rewards. It has been a little over a year since the company was shut down by the SEC. I know the company's demise resulted in a lot of frustration, anger and pain. I've talked with people that literally lost their entire life savings. I've even talked with people that walked away with six figures in earnings and blew it all on frivolous expenses, stressing over ways to pay it back. Bottom line: it was bad for a lot of people.But for those of you that lost money, there's an opportunity to get most of it back. SUBMIT YOUR CLAIM! The receiver is charged with doling out the funds to the net losers in a fair and equitable fashion. He's not able to do it unless you submit your claim. The deadline for the submissions is September 5. In his most recent letter sent two weeks ago, Ken Bell said,

If you have not completed and fully submitted a claim through the Receiver’s online Claim Portal or through alternative means expressly authorized by me in writing prior to 11:59pm prevailing Eastern Time on September 5, 2013, your claim will not be counted and you will not receive a distribution on account of any amounts that Zeekrewards may owe you.

The official website for the claims process is: There's a "FILE A CLAIM" button right in the middle of the site. Push it. Since it's in electronic format, the submission process could not be any simpler. This firm actually considered helping participants file their claims. But the online portal is so simple, there's just not much for us to do. Please submit your claims before the deadline. According to the receiver, hundreds of thousands of participants have not filed their claims. And when you submit your claims, try to follow the instructions as closely as possible. If you miscalculate your investments in Zeek, it may result in serious delays and / or a rejection of the claim.Ken Bell's most recent update can be found below. If you're reading this in your email inbox, it can be found here.

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